onsdag 8 juni 2016

This is England Review

This is England


The movie was pretty good. But in the long run, I think it will probably not good enough so that people will remember it. I think the movie was good quality. It was not that they did not see any pickup aim forward. The actors were good at mediating what happened in the movie and even though their accents were hard to understand, they showed so much that was happening in the movie because the actors were good at showing what was happening throughout the movie. I felt sorry for the protagonist Shaun. He went through a difficult part of his life. He had not really adult that he trusted or as a role model and to mark that he lacked his father. As a part of everything that happens through the film.

tisdag 7 juni 2016

Mitt bok tips

Mitt bok tips

Jag skulle råda dig som är ungdom kring tretton till femton år om att läsa bok jag väntar under mossan av Amanda Hellberg. För att det är en bok på 200 sidor och har trettio kapitel som var på fyra sidor upp till 10 sidor så den är inte för mycket att läsa för en person som inte läser så mycket var dagligen eller snappat. Denna bok är spännande den är en skräck och fantasy med en mycket stor kärlek inblandad som är ganska mystisk. Boken ser kanske ut att komma från 90-talet men den kommer i egentligen från 2012 så den gör bok mer sändande. Det blir ett oförglömligt slut som du kommer nog minnas för ett bra tag fram över och jag menar det.

Boken handlar om

Boken handlar om en Flicka som heter Tilda som bor i England. Men en sommar far hon till sin mormor och morfars stuga i norra Sverige. Vad hon inte vet är att det kommer hända märkliga saker, hon kommer nog aldrig glömma bort denna sommar. Hon kommer lösa mysteriet med hennes försvunna mormor vad som hände med henne. Om det här låter som en bok du vill läsa så skulle jag råda dig att göra det.

This is England

The movie started whit we gat interdust to a boy named Sharon Turgoose. Ho lost he’s dad in the Falklands war. We and when he gatt to School startad a fight White older kid. on he’s way home meet some teens how try to be nice to him. But other boy that is rounder than the others. starts was mean to Sharon so he go home. After some time the fat boy come to Sharons house and throw stones at Sharons window. Sharons open the window and ask what fat boy wants. He say that Woodly the lider in the group. Is sorry and he what Sharons hang out with them. At first he does not want to. but the fat boy persuades him to follow. they father of an abandoned building and destroy the inside of. then so do the Sharon a member of the group. and the party that Sharon bilvit member and Sharon's neck with Smell and then combo that has been sitting in feng permission for someone Woodly was incorporate in. He outbid Woodlys gang to him the next day. where he will deliver a speech. which is rasisktigt. Half woodlys gangs and woodly someone leaving Combo.det as stanar move on to a meeting Nynas lard. after starting Combo mess with one of the guys gets Woodlys gang who stayed. he can walk home after beginning Barka with Combo. then the robber an Afar. and then it has to Smell as they celebrate their föddelsedag with woodlys bunch when the combo will then draw Woodlys gangs. and during the evening they ask Sharon about Smell want his car flickvän.hon answer yes. the next day you should Smell and Sharon Combo and partying. the party ends with Combo mishadlar everyone who was there but not Smell and Sharon. after that stop Sharon was with Combo and throwing Britain into the water that he has received the Rombo and so the film ends

torsdag 2 juni 2016

Matematiska uttrycksformer (A)



Att alla här lika rättigheter och möjligheter oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionsnedsättning, sexuell läggning eller ålder.

Man kan kränkas eller missgynnas.

Direkt diskriminering, Indirekt diskriminering, Trakasserier, Bristande tillgänglighet och Skydd mot repressalier


6. Sverige kan man informera som sexualkunskap i skolor. Vad man som är tillåtet att göra både juridiskt och sexuella handlingar, vad som k...